
Teaching Dyslexic children

Children of SBP participated in Special Olympics in Mumbai.

Differently 'able' week

UN has declared 3rd December as the World Disability Day.

Special Handmade Products and Gifts by Special Children of SBP Centre for Mentally Challenged

Diwali Fun fair- November 2007

Diwali Celebration at School

Dhandiya Raas with School kids, Parents and Teachers.

Working hard for exhibition to be held on 3rd November 2007

Special Olympics

October 17 and October 18 2007 is the day when you can ‘Stand up’ and ‘Speak out’

Painting in oils

Latest updates (September)

Visit to school in September.....Children were busy....

5th September was the teacher's day

on 3rd September, a festival of dahi handi was celebrated in school.

Celebration of Rakhi festival in our school.

Rakhis and Greeting Cards for Sale……

Children are making Rakhee and greeting cards during this Rakhee festival

Teachers are trained to be effective problem solver.

A retail store and a plant nursery were inaugurated in school premises on the occasion of Swamijee’s Punyajathithi

You are so special to me!

New School Year to begin....

The special Residential home for specially challenged is the pressing need of the society