Teachers are trained to be effective problem solver.

It is very important to understand ‘why’ the problem exists.

No great skill is needed to solve any problem. Teachers just listen intensively and try to understand the root cause of every problem.

If the child is unwilling to come to school, before they can try to find a solution, they try to understand why he dislikes coming to school. Maybe there is some bully in the school. Or maybe, coping with academic expectation leaves the child exhausted.

Once they have clearly stated the problem, they weigh it over what they have control and what they don't. Their efforts to resolve the problem is usually within the areas where they have control. They can not have control over getting a child to come to school, but they do have control over dealing with the bully that is causing the problem of the child not wanting to attend school. Their effort to solve the problem focuses on the areas on which they have control.

Solving the problem is often like becoming involved in investigation. They have to thoroughly research the cause of the problem before they can find the solution.

Once they have all of the information, they analyze it carefully and look at it from various viewpoints. They have to be as objective as possible and can't be quick to judge.

Next they determine the options for solutions. How many options are there? Which options seem reasonable? Weighing the pros and cons of the options? Considering the limitations to their options? Are some options better than others and why? Are there advantages and disadvantages that need to be taken into consideration?

When a well thought out strategy/solution is in place, they are ready to act.

Teachers have to monitor and evaluate the outcome regularly to determine whether the solution is working and has a constructive outcome.
