October 2017- Birthday Celebration At School

On 13th October 2017, birthday of twelve students and four teachers were celebrated.  The event was organized by PRIMARY-I class teacher (Mrs. Vidya Avask). Cakes were sponsored by the parents responsibilities were given to the students like distributing gifts, do aarti.

        We revised about the theme that was talked in previous birthday parties, an input about Assam cuisine was given and also taking rhythm into consideration we did percussion with children and they also did the question – answer session amongst themselves.

           A play was conducted by Rekha teacher about how to keep self aware about own private body parts and also not to allow anybody to touch and come close to self within one hand distance.
    The objective of the event was to encourage leadership, self protection and participate in rhythm activities.

Diwali celebration was also clubbed with birthday event and different types of lantern were made by staff to light up the festive spirit.
With the help of other staff members the program got implemented smoothly, all children enjoyed cake, cup cake and dance at end.

Thanks to all students and staff.
