Sweekar Centre at Uran, Raigad district was founded in the year 1999. Mrs. Shirish Poojary Founder of Swami Brahmanand Pratishthan conducted a survey at Uran and found many children who needed special intervention. At the initiative of CRY "Sweekar" was conceptualised. Uran being a rural area was lacking in many essential services. Parents of special children had to travel for two hours all the way to Mumbai for any kind therapy or medical assistance. Sweekar is the only centre catering to the needs of children with special needs at Uran. Today the centre has 32 students mostly from the low economic background. Initially the children who sought admission were all above the age of 15 and had not atended any school all through out their life. The students very sincerely attend school and have progressed immensely in these years. More and more students seek admission at an early age due to increased awareness. At present the school runs at rental premises. Due to lack of space many students could not be admitted. The school has a full fledged Occupational Therapy Unit donated by Rotary club of New Bombay Hillside under the District simplified grant. A school Bus was also donated to the cnetre by M/S Balmer & Lawrie Co. and Rotary Club of New Bombay Hillside and Rotary club of Thane North End.
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