Regular Schools which organises special programs for their wards and Parents as a part of various events are common. But this usual activity creates a different appeal when held within an institute meant fot mentally and physically challenged children. Belapur based Swami Brahmanand Pratishthan's initiative of organising a fun day only for parents have won many hearts. For the first time in the history of the institute half a day was reserved especially for the parents of their wards while the management volunteered to look after the children.
Considering the stress filled life the parents of their wards undergo on daily basis, the institute decided to host a special event in their honour. The two hour programme saw participation from 75 parents. "Nurturing mentally challenged children requires immense patience and perseverence. Their daily life is very stressful and a means to get way from the mundane activities was sensed to be welcome change," said the Sukanya Venkatraman, Principal of the Institute.
Teachers had jointly organised the games and fun events for the occasion. Since parents were required to participate in the event all by themselves, the onus of taking care of the children was taken by the institute's staff. "We dont have the luxury to leave our children unattended so often have to let go of outing options. For once the institute took note of our emotions and held fun filled activities that lasted for two hours. We had the opportunity to laugh, play and enjoy to our hearts content as the management took care of the children" said Deepti Bakshi of 12 year old Jessal Bakshi.
To bring about maximum participation even the games selected by the institute was high on interaction and communication. Couples were asked to dance on a newspaper, ballon bursting competition was held as well as musical chair. The School essentially caters to the educational requirements of mentally challenged children with various associative problems. "It was sight to cherish, there were husbands and wives dancing mindless of any problems or issues. Mothers were competing for a chair during the musical rounds. The ballon bursting saw parents going all vocal and giving directions etc. This relaxed ambience created by parents wholehearted participation made our efforts a success," said a teacher from the institute.
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