Who needs a sports ground when we have huge malls in Mumbai?
This year, on 28th January 2009, the sports event was organized in a mall! Palm Beach Galleria is the newly opened mall in Vashi, and the children from seven schools participated in the sports events that were held in this mall.
Different sports events, such as standing long jump, softball throw, 25 meters race, sack race, shotput and tug of war were organized by Samannay.
Twenty seven students from our school participated in the sports events.
First prize in ‘Tug of War’ was won by Vinay Bhirani, Mahendrasing Thakur and Surial Katiar. Laxmi Shetty won the second place in ‘Shotput’ event.. Ashwini Patil won second prize in 25m running race, Sarvesh Tupe won first prize in standing long jump, Rohit Purvi bagged three cups (first prize for ‘Tug a War’, second prize for 25 m running race and second prize for 25m sack race).
The student returned proudly, flashing their prized eleven cups and the medals swinging down from their neck.
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