“Good morning teacher” the children squeal with joy as they see the familiar face of Shirish, whom they see regularly whenever they visit the CBD centre. Some of them raise their hands to get a good handshake while the shy ones just look from the corner of their eyes, bending their head down, lower to their desk.. Smaller ones emerged from other room to see the commotion, one of the child rushes out of the main door as soon as he sees the door open and the alert teacher follows him and brings him back to the class room. This is the morning hour, time for reading and writing for the students of ‘Sweekar’

Thirty Kilometers away from our school at CBD centre, in the rural area of Uran, there is another branch of our school called Sweekar. The school is located in a rented apartment on the second floor.

For twenty-five mentally challenged children, most of them from lower income group,
we have a staff of two trained teachers, one helper and one head teacher.

Children come happily to school and there is much camaraderie amongst the students.

Children are taught activities of daily life, reading and writing and prevocational skills.

The children have activities such as music, drama and dance.
During extra-curriculum activities, picnics, fun-fairs and school functions, the children from both, Uran centre and CBD centre, are intergrated and are seen enjoying together.

Thirty Kilometers away from our school at CBD centre, in the rural area of Uran, there is another branch of our school called Sweekar. The school is located in a rented apartment on the second floor.

For twenty-five mentally challenged children, most of them from lower income group,
we have a staff of two trained teachers, one helper and one head teacher.

Children come happily to school and there is much camaraderie amongst the students.

Children are taught activities of daily life, reading and writing and prevocational skills.

The children have activities such as music, drama and dance.
During extra-curriculum activities, picnics, fun-fairs and school functions, the children from both, Uran centre and CBD centre, are intergrated and are seen enjoying together.
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