From 27th December to 29th December, a three-day Camp was organized for the children of SBP to J. J. Nursing home, a convalescent resort at Aksha Beach which is located near Malad, in North of Mumbai about three hours away by road from school.
The object of organizing the 3-day camp was to observe their behavior, away from their home, their emotional and social skills and their inter-personal relationship. This also provided the opportunity for the teachers to assess the children’s degree of independence in personal skills, coping skills and their social adjustments in a strange place.
Two buses were arranged to transport about 100 picnickers that included students, teachers, helpers and well-wishers. Our friend Monica took charge of the cooking and cooked for all the children, four times a day serving delicious breakfast, lunch, evening snack and dinner.
There were different activities provided during the day that occupied them throughout the day. The children enjoyed various activities such as swimming, playing in the sand, playing in the garden, exercising, playing Bingo, Cricket, Badminton, Kabaddi, singing, dancing, watching TV, collecting shells, or simply snoozing.
It was observed that the children were quite well behaved, and did not miss the opportunity to miss the fun. They willingly took part in all the activities and enjoyed every moment of the day. Most of the children were independent although teachers helped those who needed help in dressing up or in eating food. At the end of the three day, when they returned back, some of them were reluctant to go back home.
We wish to thank our sponsors, Mr Chandru Mirpuri,(HongKong), Raji Ajoomal (Madrid), Roshni Kamrani (Madrid) and Sangeeta Sukhwani (Madrid) for making available the funds for food and transport.
We would also like to thank Mr Rashid Talyarkhan of J.JNursing Home and their staff for extending all their assistance in making the picnic an enjoyable and memorable event.
For picture of the picnic please visit here at face-book photo album
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