Awareness Workshop on Child sexual Abuse for Teachers of Special Schools in Navi Mumbai

On 31st July an awareness workshop on child sexual abuse for the teachers of special schools was organsied by Swami Brahmanand Pratishthan in collaboration with Inner Wheel club of New Bombay Hillside, in the school premises. 51 teachers participated and got benefit of the information. Mrs. Sukanya Venkataraman the Principal of the school was the resource person. She had undergone a two day training program organised by Inner Wheel Dist.314 and Arpan. Arpan is an NGO working towards building awareness on CSA by conducting workshops and training many volunteers who work in this field. The following points were explained in detail by her through a PPT shared by ARPAN ;
1.     Legal definition of Child
2.     Child Rights
3.     More focus on Right to protection from abuse
4.     Different kinds of abuse
5.     What is child sexual abuse
6.     Different types of Sexual abuse- contact/non contact
7.     Statistics on CSA
8.     Six stages of grooming
9.     How can the child differentiate between safe/unsafe touch
10.   How does it impact the child immediately and as they grow in to an adult

11.   Early visible detectors of Child sexual abuse
12.   Why don’t children tell us
13.   Why do they tell us
14.    How should we as teachers handle the disclosures- Do’s and don’t’s
15.     POCSO 2012
16.     Personal safety exercise
17.    Child line & Arpan
 The Zone coordinator Ms. Ajit kaur Dhillon was present for the session and effectively answered questions and doubts raised by the participants. In the feedback forms circulated at the end the session the participants have expressed a need for more such training sessions on CSA for the parents and teachers. Some teachers expressed that a training workshop is needed to demonstrate the effective way of teaching the special children about good and bad touch especially to a child who is non verbal and is unable to express himself. Some schools from Raigad district have requested to hold a sessions for their parents.
